Based on the analysis of judicial practice in cases of recognition or contesting paternity the author has researched the value of expert opinion as a mean of proving. The features of expert opinion’s evaluation by the court, while considering such cases, have been revealed. The author argues that the probative value of expert opinion is determined by objective qualities that is, by validity, completeness and credibility. It must be properly motivated, which is a procedural guarantee of its validity, and this, in turn, guarantees its authenticity. If the court does not agree with the expert opinion, it has the right to appoint by its ruling, additional or repeated expertise. Disagreement of the court with the expert opinion must be motivated in the decision or order.
It is also noted that the admission of the expert opinion as a source of evidence oblige the court to draw attention to the expert’s personality, to assess his qualification, to establish the presence or absence of personal interest and other data. The main tasks to assess the competence of experts are: research of issues that were put to the expert, and assigning them to different areas of knowledge; familiarization with data that characterize the expert as a specialist in a particular field of study.
It is summed up that although the expert opinion has no pre-set value for the court and evaluated in conjunction with other evidence, it is crucial, because the object of proving in these cases has a biological nature; and circumstances of the case, which referred by the parties to justify their claims, is not obvious.
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