• A. Y. Kruhlova Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: assessment, objectives, types of activities, efficiency, penal agencies and institutions


The author of the article researches scientific approaches to the definition of the purpose of assessment of the efficiency of penal institutions’ activities; has studied the correlation of the terms «effectiveness», «efficiency», «quality» and achievement of evaluation’s objective, as well as has provided own concept of the purpose of the assessment of the efficiency of penal agencies and institutions.

It is noted that assessment of the activities of the state agency is very complex and important process and should be carried out regularly, at all stages of state policy, as this will discipline the officials and employees of state authorities.

It is stressed that assessment of the activities of any state authority and its staff is essential and necessary for a democratic society, transparency of state authorities to prevent the occurrence of corruption. Work assessment is always accompanied by the specific purpose, which usually is to provide quality and efficient social services, to achieve the appropriate level of authority, effective, meaningful, objective decision-making.

Having analyzed scientific points of view the author has concluded that based on such criteria as effectiveness, efficiency, quality we can determine the effectiveness and efficiency of penal agency or institution, correlation of business, professional, moral, psychological and other qualities of penal institution’s personnel, compliance with their positions. Achieving this objective in the work of penal agencies and institutions is an indicator of their proper and productive functioning that can both provide necessary conditions for prisoners serving their sentence, and realize the main purpose of punishment – correction of a prisoner.


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How to Cite
Kruhlova, A. Y. (2018) “ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFICIENCY OF PENAL AGENCIES AND INSTITUTIONS”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 110-116. Available at: (Accessed: 4January2025).