Certain issues of regulating conceptual nomenclature in the field of cybersecurity

  • Yu. Yu. Nizovtsev National Academy of Security of Ukraine Service
Keywords: cybersecurity, conceptual nomenclature, unification of normative acts


The author of the article researched the laws and by-laws of Ukraine related to cybersecurity. The inconsistencies and contradictions of the conceptual nomenclature of cybersecurity have been revealed. Information and telecommunication systems, cyberattacks, malicious programs and others are among these terms. The author has specially noticed the terms that relate to computer forensics. Having analyzed a number of terms and their definitions, the author came to the conclusion that they are actually equivalent or absorb each other. The presence of several different in sounding, but similar in meaning terms complicates the understanding of the normative act. Accordingly, there may be difficulties in applying it, including in the realizing forensic examinations. The author has suggested the most optimal ways, in his opinion, to eliminate the revealed contradictions and inconsistencies. Unification of the conceptual nomenclature, in the opinion of the author, will avoid confusion in understanding their meaning and will facilitate the application of normative acts.


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How to Cite
Nizovtsev, Y. Y. (2018) “Certain issues of regulating conceptual nomenclature in the field of cybersecurity”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 79(4), pp. 135-144. Available at: https://visnyk.univd.edu.ua/index.php/VNUAF/article/view/16 (Accessed: 23March2025).