• O. M. Krevsun Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Keywords: progressive system, execution of punishment, subinstitute, correctional institution, custody conditions, prisoner’s transfer


Transfer of sentenced from one correctional institution to another one is historically associated with the operation of the Irish progressive system of the execution of punishment, which, in turn, stipulated the improvement or deterioration of custody conditions of convicts.

The essence of prisoners’ transfers from one correctional institution to another one is in qualitative changes of their legal status by strengthening or weakening the limitations of the rights. Implementation of transfers is in the direct dependence on the behavior, attitude to work and learning. The impact of punishment and means of education can not entail corresponding changes in the convict’s personality. Such measures for one category of prisoners achieve the objectives of correction process and resocialization, but for another depending on the personality changes that occurred during serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment, still remained the objectives. Possibility to change custody conditions is due, above all, to significant changes in convict’s personality.

In general, change of custody conditions by transferring them from one correctional institution to another one allows significantly reduce or increase the degree of isolation, reduce or increase limitation of the rights and thus, to influence their behavior more effectively. The need for such change is due primarily to the fact that there are changes in the minds of convicts during the period of punishment, in their attitude towards themselves and others, to educational measures, to work and education. Long-term stay of convicts in the same conditions (in a limited social environment) is desirable and can not contribute to the correction process.

However, in practice the use of subinstitute of changing custody conditions of prisoners by transferring them from one correctional institution to another one encounters contradictions. The author of this scientific article has illustrated it by providing specific examples.


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How to Cite
Krevsun, O. M. (2018) “PRISONER’S TRANSFER FROM ONE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION TO ANOTHER ONE. ISSUES OF LEGAL REGULATION”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 73(2), pp. 62-69. Available at: (Accessed: 26January2025).