To perceive the time and to acquire the time – these are tasks, the solution of which is crucial for the development of human culture, society and the individual. The problem of time perception has become particularly relevant in the last decade. At the same time, the perception of the time by each person is different and it is changed due to changes in lifestyle, social community, with the age, etc.
The objective of this work is to determine the characteristics of the subjective perception of the existential categories in the time dimensions by persons of all ages, revealing the spiritual crisis at different stages of life, namely, in the past, present and future.
As the result of the study the author has obtained data that middle-aged subjects, working people tend now to the spiritual crisis. At this stage of life, they are disoriented, dependent on their freedom and of the past. This may be due to the inability to realize their personal potential in the life.
The spiritual crisis in the past was better identified and relived by the most senior subjects. This may indicate that in the past, retirees often worried about their loved ones. Thus, they can get stuck in the past, which prevents them to enjoy the present and to see the positive in the future.
The results of the study have been indicated that pensioners and students may face the spiritual crisis in the future. This indicates that students are very focused on the present and on the fact that is happening in the present, do not think about the future, and live for the moment. A group of the oldest subjects live with memories that bring them pleasant emotions and pleasure, because of what the meaning may be lost in the future.
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Copyright (c) 2016 A. A. Shylina, K. O. Chorna

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