• V. I. Barko Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
  • V. P. Ostapovich State Research Institute MIA of Ukraine
  • V. V. Barko State Research Institute MIA of Ukraine
Keywords: police, law enforcement agencies, psychological training, regulatory provision, motivation, stress, conflict


The authors have analyzed the domestic and international experience of organizing and conducting psychological training of police officers, the result of which should be a high level of motivation of professional activity of police officers, forming ability to successfully counteract stressors, conflicts and other risk factors, the development of professionally important, individual and psychological qualities. It has been noted that foreign researchers paid special attention to psychological training issues of police officers and the role of the head in this process. The current direction of police management in European countries is a proactive approach based on the idea of psychological prevention of problems within police organization by providing humanistic approach to the staff, motivation and stimulation of police officers’ work, their personal development, organization of teamwork and leadership in police departments.

Based on the experience of democratic countries the authors have provided propositions for the development of regulations for the organization and implementation of psychological training of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine. First of all it has been offered to develop a comprehensive program of organization and conduction of psychological training of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine, which would be approved and implemented by the relevant order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Other important regulations, aimed at improving the psychological training of the personnel of the police may be the Regulations on the division of psychological provision of professional activities of police officers of the National Police of Ukraine, Regulations on the organization of professional and psychological selection of candidates to serve in the National Police of Ukraine, which also have to be approved and implemented by the corresponding order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Barko, V. I., Ostapovich, V. P. and Barko, V. V. (2018) “DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING REGULATORY PROVISION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING OF POLICE OFFICERS OF THE NATIONAL POLICE OF UKRAINE”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 244-253. Available at: (Accessed: 28March2025).