Experience of world leading countries in personnel training for the defense and security sector and the ways of its implementation in Ukraine
The features and general characteristics of personnel training system for the defense and security sector of world leading countries have been determined. The best practices of training, retraining and advanced training system of personnel for special units of different countries that perform tasks of maintaining peace and order have been analyzed. The ways of implementing international experience into personnel training system of the relevant special services of Ukraine have been offered.
The authors have made conclusions on the need to develop new rational and scientifically based organizational and nominal structure in the defense and security sector of Ukraine, to establish close cooperation with international organizations, whose activities are related to the personnel training for security and defense forces. Special attention has been paid to the main component of the personnel training system in defense and security sector of Ukraine – and its practical component, which is in bringing education to the actual conditions of service. The authors have determined the features of the personnel training system for security and defense forces of the most developed countries, where specialization, intensity and short-term training process are clearly expressed. It has been indicated that special attention during the personnel training for the sphere of national security in other countries is paid to foreign languages and other important subjects for the state’s safety in the field of international relations. Special attention has been focused on the need to use the advanced experience of foreign countries on the process of quality selection of personnel for security forces, as well as advanced training of special services officers. The authors have suggested to develop the National strategy of personnel provision of the defense sector of Ukraine.
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Copyright (c) 2016 I. B. Honcharenko, Y. O. Mikhailova

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