Keywords: National Police, NGOs, interaction, principle, offenses, counteraction


This article is focused on the analysis of the interaction with public associations as a principle of the police activities in order to form and determine the content, forms of the stated interaction and its significance to perform the duties and functions by the National Police, in particular to combat offenses.

The author has offered a definition of the term of “interaction”, which should be perceived according to the author as a process of the impact of various objects at each other, their mutual conditionality, change of the state, mutual transformation and the generation of one object by another one. Special attention is paid to the fact that such work should be based on the principles of the police activities. The main principles is the rule of law, keeping human rights and freedoms, justice, openness and transparency, political neutrality, interaction with the population based on the partnership principles, continuity. The significance of realizing the tasks and functions of the police activities finds its external identification in the relevant forms that are defined by the type of relationship in a particular area of human activity.

Based on the conducted research the author has formed the classification of the forms that are the most common for the mutual activities of police officers and population in the sphere of keeping public order and combating crimes.


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How to Cite
Komziuk, A. V. (2018) “INTERACTION WITH NGOS AS THE PRINCIPLE OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL POLICE”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 75(4), pp. 147-155. Available at: (Accessed: 26January2025).