The object of the study is one of the types of state control, namely parliamentary control over the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine. The objective of the paper is to analyze the existing forms of implementing parliamentary control over the activities of the stated unit and working out propositions to improve legislation on the issue. The relevance and scientific innovation of the stated in the article results is specified by the priority of the parliamentary control over the activities of military formations with law enforcement functions and the presence of contradictions in legal regulation of realizing such activities by the authorized subjects.
The main results of the study allow to conclude that the parliamentary control over the activities of the National Guard of Ukraine is nowadays executed directly by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, its committees, temporary special and temporary investigative commissions, individual MPs and indirectly – through the Accounting Chamber and the Ombudsman on human rights of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the fact that some decisions of the Parliament of Ukraine concerning the establishment of the Special Commission of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on democratic civilian control over the military organization of the state contradict with the requirements of the laws. In order to eliminate existing contradictions the author has offered to amend the Law of Ukraine “On Democratic Civilian Control over the Military Organization and Law Enforcement Agencies of the State” with the new Art. 9-1.
In the conclusions of the article the author has grounded the feasibility of consolidation of control powers of the Parliament in one institution – the Special Commission on the Issues of democratic civilian control over the military organization of the state. The practical significance of the obtained results is that stated in the paper propositions are aimed at eliminating existing contradictions in the legislation concerning the principles of the activities of some subjects of the parliamentary control.
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