The problem of efficiency of enforcement proceedings in Ukraine: administrative and legal aspect

  • L. V. Krupnova International University of Economics and Humanities Named After Academician Stepan Demianchuk
Keywords: enforcement proceedings, administrative and legal provision, administrative and legal principles, criteria of efficiency, state policy.


The author of the article has studied the problem of the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings system in Ukraine from the perspective of organizational and administrative nature, which provides continuous administrative and legal influence on the members of the relevant legal relations. It has been found out that enforcement proceedings has a procedural nature, which is reflected in the content of the means and methods used during the execution of judgments and decisions of other authorities. Particular attention is paid to the essence of the main factors that determine the effectiveness of the execution of judgments and decisions of other authorities. The author has analyzed the criteria of the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings, which, taken together, represent the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the activities of public and private executives and the possibility of their regulatory consolidation. The means of administrative and legal ensuring of the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings have been determined; their essence has been revealed. It has been emphasized that the limitation and neutralization of the negative impact of the factors that nowadays determine the effectiveness of enforcement proceedings and prevention of these factors’ genesis are provided at the level of administrative and legal mechanisms. The author offers to understand under administrative provision of enforcement proceedings the system of organizational and administrative measures taken by the competent subjects in order to create the conditions for the effective and guaranteed execution of judgments and decisions of other authorities. It has been established that the efficiency of enforcement proceedings depends on modern forms and methods that provide a balance of compulsion and encouragement, however the presence of the constitutional basis requires consideration the fundamental principles of state policy. It has been proved that enforcement proceedings as a separate sphere of imperious and administrative activities has a priority for the government, as evidenced by the latest changes and innovations in this field, implemented in legislative acts during the current year.


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How to Cite
Krupnova, L. V. (2018) “The problem of efficiency of enforcement proceedings in Ukraine: administrative and legal aspect”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 174-181. Available at: (Accessed: 26March2025).