Problems of improving legal regulation of operative and search activity and its concurrence with criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine

Keywords: reform, operative and search activity, improvement of legal regulation, combating crime, law, international legal acts, legal tools, operative units, criminal proceedings.


The author of the article has studied the issues of further improvement of legal regulation of operative and search activities due to the fact that after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Operative and Search Activity” in 1992 there were dramatic political, social and economic changes in society and the state. After the adoption of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine in 2012 there were some discrepancies, gaps and inconsistencies with the law of Ukraine “On Operative and Search Activity”. It has been noted that the procedure of criminal proceedings experienced significant and conceptual changes, namely organization and conduction of secret investigative (search) actins on behalf of an investigator and initiating activities of operative units has been significantly decreased in terms, which worsened combating crime and solving crimes in the whole, particularly serious, especially serious, paid-for and resonance. It has been found out that adopted legislative and regulatory base in the field of regulation of operative and search activity after the introduction of the current Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine did not remove existing problems in organizing and carrying out operative and search activities, interaction with the pre-trial investigation agencies, prosecutor’s office and court. The author suggested to support scholars and practitioners’ propositions for adopting drastically new law, which would consist of two parts and regulate operative and search activity, particularly in terms of criminal proceedings and operative support in court and separately as independent activities. The author has also provided his own vision, evaluation, propositions and recommendations on regulation and improvement of certain areas in the suggested draft of the law concerning operative and search activity to address current problems of operative and search activity, structure of operative units, as well as activities for cooperation and coordination with the departments of pre-trial investigation.


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How to Cite
Yukhno, O. O. (2018) “Problems of improving legal regulation of operative and search activity and its concurrence with criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine”, Bulletin of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, 74(3), pp. 159-167. Available at: (Accessed: 2October2024).